Braverman breaks silence on Rwanda with demand to trigger emergency powers

Rishi Sunak reveals government working on ‘new treaty with Rwanda’

Suella Braverman has called on Rishi Sunak to introduce “emergency legislation” after the Rwanda policy was scuppered by the Supreme Court.

In a post on X, formerly Twitter, the sacked Home Secretary said: “Todayโ€™s Supreme Court judgment is no surprise.

“It was predicted by a number of people close to the process. Given the current state of the law, there is no reason to criticise the judges. Instead, the Government must introduce emergency legislation.

“The Bill must block off ECHR, HRA, and other routes of legal challenge.

“This will give Parliament a clear choice: control illegal migration or explain to the British people why they should accept ever greater numbers of illegal arrivals settling here.

“Those who – like me – believe that effective immigration control is vital must understand that they cannot have their cake and eat it: there is no chance of curbing illegal migration within the current legal framework. We must legislate or admit defeat.”

It comes after the Supreme Court earlier ruled the plan to send asylum seekers on a one-way ticket to Rwanda is unlawful.

The PM has vowed to sign an upgraded deal with the African nation following the setback.

He was resisting pressure from some Conservatives to quit the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) but hinted he could change UK laws “if necessary” and may reconsider “international relationships”.

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