Shameless Bercow calls May ‘abject failure’ and says Boris was ‘corrupt’

The astonishing attack on the ex-premiers by Mr Bercow, 60, came after Mrs May, who quit as PM in 2019, accused him of “blatantly” abusing his power to derail her bid to deliver Brexit.

He said her claims carried “no weight or credibility whatsoever”, but “by comparison with her corrupt successor and her incompetent successor but one, Liz Truss, she now gets a relatively good press”.

He added: “But what people shouldn’t forget is that she became prime minister in order to deliver Brexit and she failed three times to do so.”

Aides of Mr Johnson, 59, who resigned in anger from the House of Commons in June following
its damning “Partygate” probe, declined to comment.

READ MORE John Bercow claims credit for Brexit and admits he is a ‘show off’

In a radio interview, Mr Bercow said Mrs May’s Brexit deal did not get through because it was “wholly unacceptable to her own party”.

He accused her of trying to shift blame for her own “abject failure”.

He said: “I think the reason why she’s now thrashing around four years later…is that she wants to find someone to blame other than herself.

“Theresa May’s problem, I’m afraid, was that she was the prisoner of her own party.”

Mr Bercow retaliated after Mrs May, 66, said he had scuppered her Brexit deal by refusing to let her put it to MPs.

She said: “We got to a point where the DUP were being positive. [Mr Bercow] wouldn’t let us put the motion down.

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“So that meant we couldn’t have the debate, we couldn’t have the vote, and by the time we did, the DUP had changed.”

She added: “Until John Bercow took office, I had never seen someone so blatantly abuse the power they held as Speaker to promote a particular view.”

In 2021, former Tory MP Mr Bercow resigned as Speaker, said he was not seeking re-election to the Commons and later joined the Labour Party.

But in March 2022, Labour suspended him administratively, pending an investigation, after the Commons standards watchdog found that he had bullied staff during his time as Speaker.

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