‘Where is the education secretary?’ Piers Morgan blasts Keegan over concrete

Piers Morgan: Where is the Education Secretary?

Piers Morgan has vented his fury at Educatiobn Secretary Gillian Keegan for not making herself available to answer questions “and be held to account” on the concrete crisis gripping scores of schools.

With children set to return this week, at least 154 schools have been closed down because of the danger posed by reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) used in the 1950s to 1990s in many public buildings.

The Talk TV presenter was appearing on Laura Kuenssberg’s Sunday morning politics show on BBC and aired concerns which a number of Tory MPs have privately made to Express.co.uk about Ms Keegan not leading from the front in the crisis.

Instead, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt did interviews this morning while Ms Keegan posted a video on social media last jnight.

Morgan blasted: “Where’s the Education Secretary?”

READ MORE: MPs ‘deeply concerned’ dangerous concrete will shut hospitals as well as schools

He said: “I think it’s a complete disgrace and I have to say, all due respect for the Chancellor for pitching up today, where’s the Education Secretary?

“She is putting out these sort of Oscars-style videos.”

Kuennsberg interjected: Are you referring to a clip they published yesterday?”

Morgan went on: “Yes! That’s not your job. I don’t want slick videos, I want the Education Secretary to be held to account.

“How has this happened? Apparently ministers were warned five or six years ago.”

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The concerns have also been raised privately by Tory backbenchers.

One Conservative MP described the Education Secretary as being “complete useless”.

The MP added: “We need her leading from the front. This is a crisis.”

A former cabinet minister asked: “What is [schools minister] Nick Gibb doing most of the media on this? Gillian Keegan is in hiding.”

Meanwhile, Mr Hunt vowed that the government would do everything necessary to ensure schools with RAAC are dealt with.

He pledged that the “government will pay whatever is necessary” to fix the problem.

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