Blood-sucking bed bugs are crawling all over Paris as video shows ‘invasion’

Creepy videos have emerged on social media showing bed bugs crawling all over trains and buses in Paris as residents are cautioned to take care.

France seems to be battling an invasion of the blood-feeding insects with videos showing them appearing on public transport, in hospitals and cinemas.

The government have launched an official effort to fight the bugs with several social media videos showing them in their thousands invading the city.

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One viral video shows insects crawling over a seat on the Metro in Paris and also at Paris’ Charles-de-Gaulle Airport where thousands of tourists visit everyday.

The Transport Minister, Clement Beaune, has released a statement promising the French public that he was taking active measures to stop the spread of these pests and kill them.

Taking to X, formerly Twitter, Beaune says he is bringing together representatives from public transport operators to ask their expertise and "to inform them about counter-measures and how to do more for the protection of travellers".

He wants to "reassure and protect’ both locals and visitors to the city".

While bed bugs seemed to have mostly disappeared around the 1950s, in recent years there has been an increase with mass travel and dense populations.

France seems to have had a particular problem, with it being believed that one tenth of French households having a problem over the past few years.

This has costed the French population a huge amount, with expensive pest controllers needed frequently.

The French public are attempting to get immediate government help, with Paris City Hall urging President Macron’s government to assemble a dedicated task force to help combat the issue.

Although there doesn’t seem to be an immediate team, French National Health Agency have released guidance, advising members of the public to act quickly to treat the problem as soon as one bed bug is spotted.

They are also calling everyone to check their hotel beds and be wary when buying or accepting second hand furniture and mattress, as they may contain infestations that can take over your home.

The bugs come out mainly at night to feed on blood and bite, leaving red irritated skin and blisters which can be painful.

They are also believed to cause psychological issues, such as depression, stress and sleep issues.

According to French authorities, the biggest insects can reach around 7mm long.

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