Deadly Storm Babet claims first victim after womans body pulled from river

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    Storm Babet has tragically claimed its first victim, with a woman's body pulled from a river where a red weather warning is in place.

    The rare red warning came forced hundreds out of their homes in an evacuation plea sent just hours before the storm hit. A woman has since been killed by the storm, which is set to bring "unprecedented" amounts of rain.

    A 57-year-old woman who is yet to be identified was pulled from a river in Angus, Police Scotland confirmed. She was pulled from the Water of Lee at Glen Esk around 4pm today.

    READ MORE: Storm Babet turns sea into 'killer whipped cream' concoction and 'attacks' reporter

    For the latest news and updates on Storm Babet and UK weather, click here.

    A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "Around 1.45pm on Thursday October 19, officers attended a report of a person having been swept into the Water of Lee, Glen Esk. Around 4pm, the body of a 57-year-old woman was recovered from the river.

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    "There are no suspicious circumstances surrounding the death and a report will be submitted to the procurator fiscal." A red weather warning is currently in place and will remain so until noon on Friday.

    The Met Office previously confirmed the "danger to life" warning, a rare alert which is only issued sparingly, and evacuations of a Scottish town were soon underway. The Daily Star previously reported the evacuation order, which saw hundreds of properties emptied.

    Residents shifted themselves from the town of Brechin, leaving 360 properties completely empty after the extremely rare warning was announced. The town was expected to be hit by wild floods and 70mph winds.

    Other parts of Scotland are being hit just as hard by the storm, with Aberdeen's sea turned into a "killer whipped cream" which has seen slushy water batter the mainland. One reporter was swept off her feet when reporting the worrying coastline developments.

    The wild weather was reported by the Daily Star, with the spattering's of salt, sand and sea mixing together and lashing against the shore. Storm Babet coverage from the reporter was posted to X, formerly Twitter, where they dubbed it a "foam tsunami".

    England and Wales are now bracing themselves for their parts of the storm, with Cork in Ireland baring the brunt of the horror rains yesterday. A supermarket was seen to be "destroyed" by the rainfall, which could see 120mm overnight in parts of the UK.

    Scottish Environment Protection Agency warnings read: "Take action now to protect yourself and your property. Hazards can be hidden, so please don't walk or drive into flood water.

    "Remember that not only is flood water likely to be dirty, 30cm of fast flowing water can move an average family sized car, and just 15cm of fast flowing water could be enough to knock you off your feet."

    As if it could not get any worse, snowstorms are expected to follow in the aftermath of Storm Babet. Exact Weather's James Madden said: "We could see some extremely stormy periods of weather developing during the final third of October and into early November. This would coincide to deliver the first major and significant snow of the season for the north and for the ski resorts within this period."

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