Millionaire Row neighbour leaves woman ‘uncomfortable’ wearing a bikini at home

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    A woman dubbed 'Mrs Bling' is locked in a furious row with her millionaire neighbour who has left her feeling "uncomfortable" slipping into a bikini at home.

    Channel 4 Four Rooms star Celia Sawyer, 57, has accused neighbour Neil Kennedy of a breach of planning rules over his new balcony which now overlooks her garden.

    Celia claims she now feels uncomfortable when wearing a bikini outside. Her and her husband Nick Sawyer, own the £4million pad on Millionaire's Row in Sandbanks, Poole – which houses a number of stars and millionaires including Harry Redknapp. The couple did not object to their neighbour Neil Kennedy's original plans to demolish the neighbouring bungalow and replacing it with a three-storey house, but are now left feeling angry.

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    However, in a document responding to Mr Kennedy's renovations, Celia and her husband said they would only object to "would be loss of privacy and unsightly appendages to the sides of the build". And they have accused the additions to the home a "blatant breach" of planning permission and said Mr Kennedy has "totally disregard his previous agreement with his neighbours”.

    The TV star said, according to the publication Daily Mail: "We object to being overlooked. When I'm in my bikini I feel very uncomfortable."

    Mrs Bling, who bought her home for £2.4 million in 2007, has reached out to the local council to take action against her neighbour Mr Kennedy. Meanwhile, Mr Kennedy has applied for retrospective permission for the changes.

    Celia said: "We don't talk to Mr Kennedy. That build has taken about three years and he has broken so many of the planning rules."

    The TV star claims there are a string of issues with Mr Kennedy's property including a 'staircase on the wrong side of the building', windows which 'overlook' the properties on each side, as well as an "air source heating system that is 60 decibels that shouldn't be there on the roof" as well as air conditioning which she claims her neighbour "doesn't have permission for".

    In a letter to the council, Mr Kennedy's planning consultant Martin Hanham said: "My client is not a builder or developer… he put all the building works in the hands of a local construction company who appointed another firm of architects to deal with the building regulation application.

    "My client was aware that very minor changes were made during the construction phase but he was not aware as to whether any form of planning consent was required, and if so, whether such consents had been secured."

    Millie Earl, deputy leader of BCP council and portfolio holder for connected communities, said: "All proposals in the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole areas are required to comply with local and national planning policies.

    "The planning application in Poole is currently under review by the planning team, with the outcome to be determined.

    "We have been made aware of some potential concerns relating to this address, but as this is a live application, we are unable to comment further at this time as we cannot predetermine the outcome of the current submission."

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