Mum who ‘sold son at market’ before fleeing country is charged with murder

A mother who claims she “sold her son” at market has been charged with his murder.

Little Noel Rodriguez-Alvarez, six, is presumed dead after he was reported missing on March 20 of this year. However, he had not been seen since November 2022 in Everman, Texas, US, and his mother Cindy Rodriguez-Singh, 37, has now been charged with two counts of capital murder.

After her son went missing she is reported by the Mirror to have fled to India. Investigators have since been alerted to a spot under the front porch of the house in Wisteria Drive where a rug and topsoil were uncovered.

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Investigators found that there had been human remains there at some point but they have not yet been able to locate a body and at the time of writing there are no major findings from the discovery. CW Spencer, chief of Everman Police, said forces had been working “tirelessly for the past six months” in a bid to “identify any other potential outcomes for this child”. He added: “All of which have been ruled out, leaving us down to one simple conclusion, that he was murdered.”

He claimed that Noel had been being exploited by Rodriguez-Singh to claim child benefit – but despite receiving money for his care he was seen at the birth of his twin siblings in October 2022 in a bad way described as “unhealthy and malnourished”. Reports claim that relatives were aware that Noel was abused, with one saying that Rodriguez-Singh was so keen on him not wetting his nappy that she once hit him for drinking water.

Two days after Noel was reported missing, Rodriguez-Singh and his stepfather Arshdeep Singh left from Dallas Fort Worth for India via Turkey with their six other children. Rodriguez-Singh allegedly previously claimed that Noel was “possessed,” saying he was "evil" and “had the demon in him”.

MailOnline reports Spencer said Singh also faces charges if he is found. According to the search warrant for the property, Rodriguez-Singh at one point said she allegedly sold him to someone at the Fiesta Market – although this is something Spencer has said there is no evidence for. Rodriguez-Singh did not specify when she allegedly sold him.

Spencer said: “The last thing I want is to have a six-year-old boy die at the hands of his mother. That's not what I want, but that's the facts that we're faced with here and that's what we're looking at.”

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