‘My brother stole my thunder at my wedding – so I fired him the next day’

A man decided to fire his brother after he stole his thunder on his wedding day.

A Reddit user named Daquiii took to the social media platform’s popular forum called “Am I the A**hole” to share his wedding story and ask fellow internet users if his response to his sibling’s behaviour was appropriate.

The newly married man explained he owns a plumbing firm and three years ago decided to hire his brother with the intention of helping him get back on his feet, as at the time the sibling didn’t have a job. 

The sibling, who is 25, was also the Redditor’s best man at his recent wedding.

Despite holding a prominent role during the nuptials, the Redditor’s brother made a major wedding misstep, according to the social media user.

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The newlywed wrote: “At my wedding, in which he was the best man, he decided that during his speech he would give us all a big surprise and decided to propose to his long-time girlfriend.

“Me and my wife were appalled. We both feel like he stole the shine from our day. Everyone else in our families was so excited and kept taking pictures with her, looking at the ring, etc.”

The day after, the new husband decided to take action against his brother, in a move proven controversial among other Redditors. 

He recounted: “I decided to fire him the very next day. He still doesn’t understand why. 

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“He claims I’m being selfish and irrational, and our parents agree. They’re saying that ‘business should be separate from our personal lives’, but I just can’t overlook what he did and how he ruined our day.” 

The fired brother will get severance, the Redditor said, before adding: “He is still my brother, and I wouldn’t let him lose his home over this. But as a small business I can’t imagine seeing him every day at work. Not now at least.” 

In a comment further explaining his position, the Redditor added he wouldn’t speak poorly of his brother if a potential employer asked him for references, and would simply stick to his work performance. 

The new husband added: “But what he did shows me a lack of maturity and has caused me to lack in trust. Not good qualities for an employee. I get it was ‘off the clock’, but you can’t insult your boss off the clock and expect to have no consequences.”

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This popular post, which received more than 4,500 comments in 13 hours, split Redditors between those who understand why the social media user was upset with his brother for putting the spotlight on himself during someone else’s big day and those who believe the employer “handed it badly”.

Some also argued marriages don’t necessarily need to be entirely focused on the marrying pair, and that the spotlight can be shared. 

One Redditor supporting the original poster wrote: “If someone embarrasses or majorly offends/disrespects their boss there’s a high chance they no longer will work for that company. What your brother did was offensive to you and your wife as it was your wedding.”

On the other hand, another commentator said: “Your brother is an a** for doing that without seeking your permission. Firing him was a really uncalled-for overreaction.”

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