Poland sends warning to Putin as border beefed up with ‘hit-to-kill’ missiles

Poland is beefing up its border defence capabilities in a clear warning to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Warsaw revealed on Tuesday (September 5) its plan to acquire six more batteries of the Patriot “hit to kill” missile system.

Three out of four contracts are for such systems or their components with the first contract expected for the supply of elements of the Wisła system such 48 M903 launchers, 644 PAC-3 MSE missiles and 12 LTAMDS radars.

The country’s Ministry of Defence confirmed the contracts are to be signed at the International Defence Industry Exhibition, which is being held in Poland until September 8.


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Poland’s ruling nationalist Law and Justice (PiS) party is prioritising defence amid fears of rising instability on the country’s eastern border with Belarus and Russia’s war on Ukraine.

More to follow…

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