Police stop car after spotting passenger’s face ‘in driver’s lap’

A randy driver was stopped by police after the passenger's face was spotted in their lap.

The black Audi was stopped on the M25 in Surrey this week. Police managed to take a photograph of the couple that was shared online. The female passenger's hair can be seen protruding from the driver's waist area.

Surrey RoadSafe said online that the driver's eyes were shut. He could now be fined or be given points on his licence for driving without due care and attention. The passenger was reported for not wearing a seatbelt.

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Surrey RoadSafe's post read: "In a vehicle, you must wear your seatbelt & remain seated. Unlike this passenger whose face was in the drivers lap, while the driver shut his eyes. Stopped on the M25 by #VanguardRST & #SPCasualtyReduction Officers & both reported."

A Surrey Police spokeswoman told The Sun: "Distracted driving is one of the fatal five contributing factors in collisions where people are killed or seriously injured.

"As a driver you are responsible for yourself, your passengers and those who use the roads around you. There is no excuse for driving distracted and action will be taken against those who do."

People online were quick to make jokes after the image was shared. One reply read: "Headstart for the day."

Another said: "Not a happy ending he was wishing for." While a third asked in jest: "How many MLs did 'the passenger' blow?" A fourth said: "I laugh, but in reality I'm quite jealous. That kind of activity stopped for me once the wife tasted wedding cake."

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