Putin’s propagandists threaten nuclear strikes on US in chilling WW3 warning

US threatened with nuclear strikes on Russian State TV

A prominent Kremlin propagandist has issued a dire nuclear threat against the United States.

Igor Korotchenko, editor of the newspaper National Defense and a frequent guest on Russia 1 channel, has sent shockwaves across international circles with his recent pronouncements.

Korotchenko’s ominous warning came in response to criticism of Russian actions in the war-torn region.

He stated, “Russia is being warned and threatened that if we misbehave…he threatens us with more than just strikes on the Crimean bridge.”

Korotchenko also suggested that Ben Hodges, NATO senior member for logistics, believed the U.S. might contemplate strikes on Russian Black Sea Fleet bases, Crimean troops, and even Russian naval installations in Tartus, Syria.

He framed these concerns as more than the musings of a “retired hawk,” but part of a calculated information campaign designed to sway both Russian and Western audiences.

Korotchenko went on to insist on a discussion regarding the “use and permissibility of tactical nuclear weapons.”

In a video shared on social media by Ukrainian internal affairs adviser Anton Gerashchenko, Korotchenko declared, “The most important message we should send to the Americans is that we will not wage war with you in Europe.”

“In response to your attacks on Russian military or civilian facilities, the first strike will be a preventative limited strike against targets on the territory of the United States of America,” Korotchenko asserted during an interview.

Anton Gerashchenko, alongside the video clip he shared on X, issued a warning for Americans: “Attention, United States! Russian propagandists threaten with nuclear strikes on U.S. territory.”

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In response to Korotchenko’s alarming statements, Ben Hodges told Newsweek, “Russia has been threatening nuclear strikes since the beginning. I take them seriously because Russia has thousands of nuclear weapons and because they clearly don’t care how many innocent people may die.”

Hodges added: “But I think they realize that their nukes are actually most effective when they don’t use them. They see how we self-deter.”

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