Starbucks customer ‘raging’ after forking out £5 for ‘half-filled cup of PSL’

A Starbucks customer has been left fuming – and thirsty – her drink order came with only half the cup filled up.

The customer, who wished to remain anonymous, ordered the popular Pumpkin Spice Latte from a drive-thru branch of the iconic coffee shop in Markham Vale, Chesterfield.

But she was left feeling short changed having shelled out more than £5 for the drink only to get to work and find that the medium cup was half empty.

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Speaking exclusively to the Daily Star, she said: “I ordered the drink through the drive through, and waited until I got to work before drinking it.

“I took the lid off to put a sweetener in and saw that half the cup was empty.

“I’d literally paid more than £5.

“And to make matters worse, this wasn't even the first time – ut keeps f**ing happening”

Normally a Pumpkin Spiced Latte would come with a centimetre or so of foam on the top, but raging woman was shocked when at least two inches of cup space was left with no drink in it.

The PSL is one of the chain's most popular drinks, despite only being available for a few months per year, usually from the start of September until around November.

And the customer, who works in the medical industry, has claimed that the drink issue has left her feeling deflated.

“I normally love a good PSL, as do most people when the weather turns colder.

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“But this has really annoyed me, and it keeps happening.

“The problem is that I don't have anywhere else to go on the way to work, so my options for a decent coffee are limited – it's frustrating because I work long hours with intense shifts, so I do enjoy my pre-work coffee.

“However, I hear the Mapel Hazelnut latte from Costa Coffee is good, so I might go out of my way to give that a try instead.”

The Daily Star has reached out to Starbucks for a comment.

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