Survivor of kibbutz massacre calls for peace after tragedy – Shame on you

On October 7, more than 120 residents of the small community of Kibbutz Be’eri were murdered by Hamas.

Other kibbutz residents were kidnapped and taken back to Gaza.

The massacre killed about ten percent of the town’s population.

Among the survivors of the terrorist attack, Or-ly Barlev, a 19-year-old Israeli teenager has emerged for some as a voice for hope and reconciliation, urging the Israeli government not to seek retaliation or revenge against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

In a video shared by the left-wing NGO, Breaking the Silence, Barlev passionately conveyed her message to the world.

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Barlev starts off the video by saying: “How am I supposed to wake up every morning and know that 4.5 kilometers away from my home in Kibbutz Be’eri in Gaza, there are people for whom this is not over?”

Be’eri is very close to Gaza, just a few kilometers away. This has made the small kibbutz a common target for Hamas rocket attacks. However, these rockets have usually been shot down by Israel’s anti-missile defense system.

Barlev continued by calling on her fellow Israelis not to talk about “revenge.” She said: “For me, this ended after 12 hours. I’m here at the Dead Sea. If you’re talking about revenge, shame on you. Yes, we’re in a lot of pain, that’s true. And I, after everything I just went through? I feel depleted every time I hear the word revenge.”

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In her message to the world, Barlev continues and references the fact that those trapped in Gaza have nowhere to go. She said: “What I went through…to know there are people going through it [in Gaza] and there’s no one to rescue them?! We cannot go on like this. We cannot.”

The teenager then goes on to discuss how “for years” left-wing Israelis like her have been asking for a “political solution” to the conflict, but to no avail: “They keep asking ‘Do you think you’ll go back to the kibbutz after all you’ve been through, without additional soldiers and protection?’ Don’t talk to me about soldiers and protection. Tell me about a political solution.”

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The video message was posted on Instagram by Breaking the Silence, an Israeli non-governmental organization composed of veteran soldiers who have served in the Israeli military. According to their website, their aims are to shed light on the daily realities in the Occupied Territories and to stimulate public debate about the human costs of the ongoing conflict.

Ori Givati, a representative of the organization, has echoed Or-ly Barlev’s plea for a political solution and has emphasized in his interviews with international media that many Israeli veterans share this sentiment. They do not want more violence and want a clear “political outcome.”

The death toll continues to rise, with at least 3,000 Palestinians and 1,400 Israelis losing their lives since the onset of violence. Tens of thousands of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have also been displaced.

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