The pretty city that’s the world’s cheapest where pints cost just 67p

Tashkent, Uzbekistan has been declared the global capital of budget-friendly beer, with pints costing a mere 67 pence.

This marks an eight-pence reduction from the 2021 prices, solidifying Uzbekistan’s status as the ultimate destination for beer enthusiasts seeking an affordable pint.

A recent study identified 16 cities worldwide where a pint of beer is available for less than £1.

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Among these, Sierra Leone, Myanmar, Madagascar, and Colombia stood out as the top five cities offering the cheapest beer. Meanwhile, those with a penchant for luxury libations may want to steer clear of Doha, Qatar, where the average pint surpasses £11, making it the most expensive locale for beer indulgence.

The United Arab Emirates’ Dubai claimed the second spot for pricey pints, with the average cost estimated at £10.82, according to research conducted by Finder. Other countries such as Iceland, Bahrain, Norway, and Oman also boasted beer prices exceeding the £7 mark.

In the United Kingdom, London retained its title as the most expensive city for a pint, demanding £5.99 on average. However, Derby emerged as the beer lover’s haven, offering pints at a mere £3.00. This is £2.99 less than London and £1.15 less than the UK average of £4.15.

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The study by Finder highlighted that the average cost of a pint in the UK experienced a seven percent increase from £3.89 in 2021, marking an 11 percent surge from the 2019 UK average of £3.72. Despite London’s high prices, it ranked as the 18th most expensive city globally for a pint of beer.

They wrote: “It comes as no surprise that the UK’s most expensive city to grab a drink is still London [£5.99].

“The cheapest place to get a pint [out of the 45 largest cities analysed] is Derby. A beer here will cost you £3.00, which is £2.99 less than London and £1.12 less than the UK average of £4.15.

“Overall, the average cost of a pint in the UK has increased seven per cent from £3.89 in 2021, and has increased by 11 per cent from the UK average of £3.72 in 2019.”

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