Tourist stabbed to death and Briton injured in horror Eiffel Tower knife attack

A British tourist is amongst two people who were badly injured after a knifeman screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’ launched an attack that killed one person in central Paris last night.

Witnesses reported hearing pople screaming for “help” as they ran away from the man who was wielding a hammer and knife.

One victim, a tourist with dual German and Filipino nationality, was stabbed in the back and shoulder and was found in cardiorespiratory arrest before he died.

The second victim of the attack was British, and was out walking with his wife when Armand R. attacked him from behind.  

“The family were on the Avenue President Kennedy when they were set upon,” said an investigating source, who added: “A hammer was used to hit the man over the head.”

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The Englishman was later described as stable affter he was rushed to hospital.

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