Air France flight declares emergency over UK due to ‘ongoing situation’

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    An Air France flight has been forced to make an emergency landing at Heathrow after 'fumes' were seen emerging from the aircraft's cockpit.

    The aircraft was reportedly cruising at 35,000ft when an emergency was declared and the flight landed at the airport southwest of London where it was met by firetrucks.

    Flight number AF1817 departed Dublin just after 6pm today (Wednesday, September 13) and was due to arrive into Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, France, at 8.15pm local time, but was diverted to the UK, reports DublinLive.

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    Tracking data showed the plane landed on runway 27L at the UK's biggest airport at around 7pm this evening. stated following the emergency: "The aircraft is now isolated South of the airport, near the fret area."

    The cause of the fumes is not clear and no further details have been released.

    A Heathrow Airport spokesperson told us the plane landed safely and passengers have exited the aircraft but could not provide more information.

    The Daily Star has contacted Air France for comment.

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