Son of senior Hezbollah lawmaker killed in Israeli strike on Lebanon border

Terrorist group Hezbollah claims that five of its fighters were killed by Israeli airstrikes on the border with Lebanon.

The killed men include Abbas Raad, son of the head of Hezbollah’s parliamentary bloc Mohammed Raad, with the group saying in a statement he was “martyred on the road to Jerusalem” – a phrase they have been using when one of its members dies.

Back up by Iran, skirmishes between Hezbollah and Israel have been escalating since the October 7 attacks by Hamas.

Since the cross-border exchanges began, 107 people have been killed on the Lebanese side, according to an AFP tally – at least 75 of which are Hezbollah fighters, and at least 14 civilians.

The notable death of a Hezbollah agent comes as a four-day truce agreed between Israel and Hamas to exchange hostages is delayed until Friday.


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